Suffering From Bone Loss? Dental Implants May Still Be a Possibility

For patients who are experiencing jawbone loss, it’s frustrating to work out a solution. Are dental implants suitable? Will they provide a solution? 

The answer, in a nutshell, is yes. Mini dental implants can solve the problem of bone loss, but you should comprehend the process. 

Dental implants need a solid foundation for them to be implemented and function correctly. So, if you’re experiencing drastic bone loss, you may need to be treated with other methods of periodontal surgery prior to having any dental implants fitted. 

What Causes Jawbone Loss? 

Jawbone loss can occur due to many factors. Gum disease, tooth loss, smoking, trauma, and various medical conditions can cause bone loss in the jaw. With that, your teeth may collapse, present further issues, and/or distort your facial features.

There are treatments available for bone loss, (including dental implants). Fundamentally, you do not ignore it and simply hope for it to resolve itself because it won’t. 

Further, jawbone loss presents symptoms such as:

  • Headaches and migraines 
  • Achy pain in the jaw and face 
  • Expansion of your sinuses 
  • Poor nutrition 
  • Difficulty with speech and food

What Are Dental Implants? 

Dental implants are small posts made out of titanium. They work by mirroring the function and qualities of a real-life tooth root and allowing the required stimulation to the jawbone. When the tissue surrounding it is stimulated, the implants tell your brain to try to heal the jaw, allowing chemical resources to be sent to strengthen and stabilize the jaw.


Advantages of Mini Dental Implants

Opting for mini dental implants as a treatment for bone loss has its benefits. Primarily, if the pre-work is carried out, it can be used in even the most severe cases. 

On top of this, the key benefits of mini dental implants are:

  • Lesser discomfort and pain
  • Quicker recovery time
  • Puts a stop to facial collapse 
  • No bone grafts required 
  • No flap surgery required 

Procedures Needed Before Dental Implants 

In most cases, dental implants don’t demand other procedures first. This is because, usually, the surface area of the required implant is small, and can be treated with dental implants immediately. That said, in extreme cases, there may be a need to perform one of the following procedures to guarantee the implant functions and act as a course of successful treatment for bone loss. 

“In extreme cases, there may be a need to perform one of the following procedures to guarantee the implant functions and acts as a course of successful treatment for bone loss.” 

Sinus Lift 

If your upper jawbone doesn’t have enough structure, it may be recommended to you that you have a sinus lift before dental implants. The upper jaw is lifted, using the maxillary sinus, and your bone is implanted there. 

Bone Graft 

A bone grafting procedure is a method of rebuilding and strengthening the bone. A small incision is made in your gum line, and your dentist will inject a medical substance made from either natural or synthetic bone minerals surrounding the area of bone loss. 

Distraction Osteogenesis 

It sounds far scarier than it is! A distraction osteogenesis procedure is simply separating and creating new bone. This method is a sub-type of bone graft and is generally used to heighten the jawbone before dental implants. 

The dentist will make an incision, cutting and separating a small section of bone, which is then secured with pins and screws using a titanium device.  After this, the dentist will loosen the device a little bit every day, encouraging the jawbone to stand taller over the time of treatment. 

How Does Bone Grafting Work? 

One of the more common and functional methods for solving lost jawbone tissue. As mentioned above, it’s – at times – required before having dental implants fitted. 

After the substance is inserted using an injection, your body will absorb the material over a few months. Then, it will start to replace it with new, healthy tissue, which strengthens and restores your jaw density and volume. 

Bone grafting can stem from your bone, the bone of a donor, or, as mentioned above, use synthetic material. 

What You Can Do At Home To Help Prevent Jawbone Loss

After receiving dental implants and working alongside your dentist to restore your jawbone, there are a few things you can do at home to prevent it from happening again. You should work alongside the medical treatment for faster recovery and a minimized risk of needing dental implants again. 

  • Stop smoking
  • Increase the amount of calcium in your diet 
  • Increase the amount of vitamin D in your diet
  • Ensure you’re getting enough protein and phosphorus 
  • Consider taking daily vitamins or supplements

Book Your Dental Implants Procedure Today

Here at Central Texas Periodontics, we go the extra mile to make sure our patients feel at ease and informed. Dental procedures can be nerve-wracking, but if you’re considering dental implants, we’re here to talk you through the whole process. Get in touch with us and make an appointment today.